My new house is so spacious :) I feel like a princess! It is only 500m away from the beach :)
Oh and I forgot to mention, I rented a motorbike :) So all is good!
Very interesting experience on Monday teaching 2 classes after each other for 2 hours from 7-11am! The first class is very well behaved and eager to learn. The only challenge is that the students have very different levels of English from Elementary to Intermediate and this is a very wide range. Well, I will manage somehow. I signed a contract for 6 weeks and then lets see what happens. I would like to keep my options open just in case something better might come up ;)
The second class is as I said very challenging. There are some students in the class who have not really any interest to improve their English. So they are chatting to each other all the time instead of paying attention. But as you can imagine, I can be very serious in that case and I was very strict with them. Otherwise I would feel sorry for the students who actually are interested to learn. I am giving listening and speaking classes and there is a lot to do to improve their pronunciation. Anyway, I love my first class and soon the 2nd one will be fine as well ;)
Yes, I rented a house! So cool :) It is such a gorgeous place - spacious, by the sea, 15 min to work with my bike. It has cable TV, 2 double bedrooms, kitchen, 2 bathrooms and a terrace. What more could I have wished for?! Visitors :)
I have a Vietnamese Landlord and if something needs to get adjusted or fixed to the wall you have 10 people in the house....unreal! That is so Vietnamese. They cannot stay alone.
We also got a new bar, which just opened last Friday! Great place and I didn't know that there were at least 50 Western people in Da Nang! Was a nice evening.
On Sunday I finally drove with my motorbike to Hoi An. Took me 50min, but it was worth every minute. I had a delicious meal at the river - grilled beef in Banana Leafs :) So tasty. Life is great! Thinking about to drive there again on Saturday for a nice day out.
And what is happening in your life? Please put some comments on the blog. It is always so nice to read :)
Oh, any other life seems so boring looking at yours in Vietnam! Such a beautiful house, Kerstin! Loved to go there, so I hope many wonderful things happen to keep you there for more time... ;)
ReplyDeleteHi Kerstin, nice place :-) Have caught up on all your blogs, it looks and sounds amazing! You are so lucky to have this opportunity, I'm so pleased it is working out so well for you. Reading your blog is a welcome diversion from the never ending workload here. Look forward to your next post and pics! Keeping finges crossed for you with the other job. xx
ReplyDeleteHey Kerstin, first of all congrats to the new place. This sounds even better than the cottage and who can argue about closeness to the beach? You can definitely count me in for a visit in the very near future :-)See you on Skype xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comments :) Its always so good to hear from you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a life.....wonderful, and the apt looks brilliant! Thanks for the call on Tuesday :-) You really sound soooo content. Delighted for you to have such an experience. Take care. Amanda x
ReplyDeleteGood to hear that you are settled and sorted :o) I can literally see you there in the classroom telling the pupils off, but I am sure you will get them sorted too.. ;oP BTW, you are missing a brilliant Irish summer - any chance to swap?
ReplyDeleteHallo Schwesterchen. Das liest sich ja alles sehr gut. Um nicht zu sagen perfekt. Das Häuschen wirkt sehr freundlich und sehr gepflegt. Wenn sich das auch noch kombinieren lässt mit dem Flair Vietnams, dem wirren Treiben zwischen all den anderen Zweirädern, Fahrten aufs "Land", ... Bestens!
ReplyDeleteIrgendwie schon cool, oder? Soooo lang ist unsere Schulzeit auch noch nicht zurück und jetzt stehst du auf der anderen Seite und ärgerst dich über uninteressierte "Schwätzer" wie wir selbst früher vielleicht manchmal welche waren. So ändert sich die Perspektive, wie mit den Kindern :)
Ich freu mich sehr für dich, dass das mit deiner Prüfung geklappt hat und dass du erstmal was Schönes gefunden hast wo du so unterrichten kannst wie du es dir vorgenommen hattest.
Schade natürlich, dass du an meinem 40ten nicht dabei sein konntest. Hätte dir sicher auch gefallen.
Max wird dich sicher bald wieder anskypen. Das kann er jetzt schon ganz alleine :)
Geniess die Zeit ... du kannst sie nicht zurückholen. Dein Bruder
hehe, no Petra I won't swap the weather from Vietnam against the Irish one ;) I can send you a few degrees! It's too hot here anyways.....and you can come and visit me if you want to have a lovely summer :)
ReplyDeleteonce again :)
ReplyDeleteCooles Haeuschen. Ich bewunder Dich an dieser Stelle, fuer mich waer das alles nichts. Ich bin so bodenstaendig. Mir faellt es ja schon schwer von einem Ort in Franken in den anderen umzuziehen :) Liebe Gruesse, Martina